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Online Payments | Sending reminder letters

Online Payments

Online Payments | Sending reminder letters

You can send reminder letters for outstanding invoices and to chase up shortfalls using Payment Tracking or the Documents Queue, as long as the invoice or shortfall/reallocation letter was originally sent to a patient or other person through patientzone.

Using Payment Tracking.

From the Manage Transaction screen click on Send/Print to initiate the reminder letter. 

The document preview pane will be displayed – select the document, either the one set as default or choose from any others available. If this can be sent through patientzone you will be able to see the Send via patientzone button at the bottom of the screen. Click this and you will immediately see message to let you know that the submission has been successful. 

Using Documents Queue

Access this from the main menu by clicking Documents and then Generate Batch. Select which type of reminder letters you want to send and then click Generate – you’ll then see a message letting you know how many documents have been generated and placed in the queue.

Click Documents again and then Documents Queue. You can now choose to send individual or a group of letters separately by highlighting them and clicking Send/Print Selected or send them all at once by clicking Send/Print All.

Whatever option is chosen you have a choice of trying to send things electronically or printing everything. 

Click on Send electronically via patientzone. The system will work through the list, sending all that it can through patientzone and indicating successful submission with a green tick. At the end any letters that can’t be sent will be shown on screen. Simply click to print the remainder.

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